Ability is a web-based auto machine learning solution.
Serves as SaaS on ability-ml.com
IOThinx is a tool for creating and managing dynamic forms, synchronizing data, and designing machine learning processes that can run on any device.
See GitHub repo -> analythinx/brisa-market-forecast-gui: GUI for Market Forecast ML functions of Brisa
The Forecast 360 web application used by Brisa for forecasting.
See GitHub repo -> analythinx/brisa-market-forecast-gui: GUI for Market Forecast ML functions of Brisa
A web application that optimizes mixture variety by using a linear programming model, reducing changeover time in the extrusion process while balancing machine capacities.
See GitHub repo -> analythinx/brisa-capacity-opt: EKSTRÜDER KAPASİTESİ OPTİMİZASYONU PROJESİ
A demo portal app for Şişecam.
See GitHub repo -> analythinx/sisecam-portal_poc_be: Python Backend Project for Sisecam App Portal